Devotions – It Doesn’t Take Much

It Doesn’t Take Much

Proverbs 12:18 Good News Translation

Thoughtless words can wound as deeply as any sword, but wisely spoken words
can heal.

It doesn’t take much for our words to make an impact on people. A few
choice words can cut through the heart like a dagger. A few chosen words
can express the heart of God, and lift someone out of the depth of despair.

Our words build or destroy. What are you building? Be purposeful in
building others up. It very well may be that your words are what cause
someone to take that step they have feared to take. Your words may inspire
someone to go for their destiny, to try what seems impossible.

Let your words build up those around you.

Father, I want to build others up with my words. In Jesus’ name. Amen.