Devotions – Graciously Forgive

Graciously Forgive

Ephesians 4:31-32 The Voice

Banish bitterness, rage and anger, shouting and slander, and any and all
malicious thoughts—these are poison. Instead, be kind and compassionate.
Graciously forgive one another just as God has forgiven you through the
Anointed, our Liberating King.

We don’t need people’s forgiveness, but it’s always nice to have. Think
about a time when someone didn’t want to forgive you. It’s not nice, is it?
Graciously extend forgiveness, keeping in mind that forgiveness is for your

Most people don’t purposely try to hurt or offend us. Often, they aren’t
even aware that they have been insensitive or hurtful. They go through life
oblivious to their actions. Unforgiveness comes with a DVD with automatic
replay. Those that refuse to forgive are the ones in torment.

Yes, there are always a few that purposefully hurt and offend others. Do
you think they care if you forgive them? They don’t give it a second
thought. So why should you stay trapped in the bondage of unforgiveness?

Choose to forgive so that you can be free! Keep in mind, forgiveness
doesn’t let them off of God’s hook. It doesn’t make their actions right.
Forgiveness positions you to receive God’s healing and freedom.

Father, I choose to forgive _______________________. In Jesus’ name. Amen.