Devotions – God Loves To Give Gifts

God Loves To Give Gifts

Matthew 7:11 The Voice

So if you, who are sinful, know how to give your children good gifts, how
much more so does your Father in heaven, who is perfect, know how to give
great gifts to His children!

God loves to give gifts. He’s forever blessing us; often with many gifts we
take for granted. Think about nature. What would the world be like if
everything were black and white and all the same texture?

Have you ever stopped to think that God was behind all the blessings in
your life? We don’t always read the tag, “Love God,” but it’s there.

Take the time to notice things today. What’s around you? Who’s connected to
you? What do you have?

Take a few minutes today to thank Him for His wonderful blessings.

Father, thank you for _____________________________. In Jesus’ name. Amen.