Devotions – Follow God’s Leading

Follow God’s Leading

Acts 26:14 Good News Translation

All of us fell to the ground, and I heard a voice say to me in Hebrew,
“Saul, Saul! Why are you persecuting me? You are hurting yourself by
hitting back, like an ox kicking against its owner’s stick.”

Have you ever found yourself going against God’s will? It can be easier
than you think. Saul – later named Paul – was zealously persecuting the
church. He thought he was doing God’s will.

How many times do we go off in a direction, thinking we are doing God’s
will, but we never checked to make sure. It happens, probably more than we
would care to admit.

Checking with God is important. Who wants to exchange time, energy, and
money for fatigue, burnout, and frustration? Sometimes we do experience
these things when we are doing the will of God. Sometimes we need to keep
persevering, but who wants to go through that only to discover we’ve been
barrelling down the wrong path?

Check with God. Check often, and be open. Sometimes, we start out on the
right path but miss the turn God wants us to take.

Father, I desire to follow Your leading. I will check with You, and
continue checking to make sure I am going where You want me to go. In
Jesus’ name. Amen.

Devotions – Is This Your Answer?

Is This Your Answer?

John 20:28 Amplified Bible

Thomas answered Him, My Lord and my God!

I’m an advocate of hearing God’s voice regularly. If we all did this and
responded with Thomas’ response – what would our lives look like?

I’ve been known for digging in my heels at times. I’ve had many questions
for God – which I don’t believe is wrong. However, my immediate answer
isn’t always “My Lord and my God!” I think I’m going to change that; I’m
going to make it my immediate response.

When that’s our response to God, we are reminding ourselves that He is Lord
and that He is a sovereign, almighty God, who loves us.

Try it. Let that be your response to God. Then ask the question you have,
but keep your focus on the bigness of God.

Father, I choose to immediately respond to you with “My Lord and my God!” I
will focus on You and allow you to lead me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Devotions – Created For A God-Purpose

Created For A God-Purpose

Galatians 1:15-16 The Voice

But God—who set me apart even before birth and called me by His
grace—chose, to His great delight, to reveal His Son in me so I could
tell His story among the outsider nations. I didn’t confer with anyone
right away.

Before God formed you in your mother’s womb, He knew you. He placed destiny
inside of you. You were created for a purpose – a God-purpose.

For many, there is a desire stirring in their heart. They don’t always
recognize it for what it is. God desires to shine through each one of us.
He will shine in different ways through different people. Some will have an
upfront ministry, while others are more behind the scenes.

Ministry is what God has called us to. Don’t think ministry is only
preaching the gospel message – it’s living it! When you serve people with
the heart of God you are in ministry. Ministry is what God has called you
to. It may be shining God in a business. All that we do should reveal

Are you shining in your life? If not, talk to God about it. He will lead
you in your destiny.

Father, I want to shine brightly in the destiny I was created to walk in.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Devotions – A Tiny Mustard Seed

A Tiny Mustard Seed

Hebrews 11:8 The Voice

By faith Abraham heard God’s call to travel to a place he would one day
receive as an inheritance; and he obeyed, not knowing where God’s call
would take him.

People often think about faith as this huge, ethereal concept that they
can’t quite grasp. The Bible talks about faith in the terms of a mustard
seed which is quite tiny.

I think this Scripture clearly shows the unfolding of faith. One step of
faith and Abraham heard God’s voice – something that is extremely easy to
do, but so many people don’t realize that.

Hearing God’s voice, caused the mustard seed of faith to grow, enabling him
to leave home – on a journey to somewhere. Abraham didn’t know where God
was leading him. Continual communication with God caused continual growth
from the once tiny mustard seed.

Abraham was known as the father of faith – all because he acted on a tiny
mustard seed and allowed God to produce the growth.

Father, I will take the mustard seed of faith that you have given to me and
step forward. I will listen and hear Your voice. In Jesus’ name. Amen.