Follow God’s Leading
Acts 26:14 Good News Translation
All of us fell to the ground, and I heard a voice say to me in Hebrew,
“Saul, Saul! Why are you persecuting me? You are hurting yourself by
hitting back, like an ox kicking against its owner’s stick.”
Have you ever found yourself going against God’s will? It can be easier
than you think. Saul – later named Paul – was zealously persecuting the
church. He thought he was doing God’s will.
How many times do we go off in a direction, thinking we are doing God’s
will, but we never checked to make sure. It happens, probably more than we
would care to admit.
Checking with God is important. Who wants to exchange time, energy, and
money for fatigue, burnout, and frustration? Sometimes we do experience
these things when we are doing the will of God. Sometimes we need to keep
persevering, but who wants to go through that only to discover we’ve been
barrelling down the wrong path?
Check with God. Check often, and be open. Sometimes, we start out on the
right path but miss the turn God wants us to take.
Father, I desire to follow Your leading. I will check with You, and
continue checking to make sure I am going where You want me to go. In
Jesus’ name. Amen.