Devotions – Keep God First

Keep God First

Deuteronomy 5:7 The Voice

You are to worship no other gods before me—My presence is enough.

Worshipping other gods sounds strange, but that’s what we do when we run to
other people or other things to satisfy and fulfill. God’s presence is what
brings true fulfillment, true satisfaction.

There’s a place in our lives for people and things, but not first. God
wants first place. When we give God first place, everything goes better for
us. Other people and things can bring relief and fulfillment, but only
temporarily. God doesn’t want us to go from temporary to temporary – He
wants us to dwell in His presence where we are completely filled.

He is our Provider, Savior, Friend, Father, Comforter, and more. He is all
we need. Everything and everyone else is secondary.

Father, I desire to keep you first in my life at all times. In Jesus’ name.

Devotions – God’s Word Will Come To Pass

God’s Word Will Come To Pass

Joshua 21:45 New King James

Not a word failed of any good thing which the Lord had spoken to the house
of Israel. All came to pass.

God speaks to us in that still, small voice. He also speaks to us through
His Word. Sometimes, we receive a prophetic word. Every Word that God
speaks to us will come to pass. He stands behind His Word.

God’s Word is full of promises for us to claim; things He spoke about and
blessings He purchased for us. They are all yes and amen!

Father, thank You for all the Words You have spoken to me. I receive each
one. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Devotions – Love Seeks The Best

Love Seeks The Best

1 Corinthians 13:4 Amplified Bible

Love endures long and is patient and kind; love never is envious nor boils
over with jealousy, is not boastful or vainglorious, does not display
itself haughtily.

Love isn’t selfish or self-fulfilling. Love seeks the best for the other
person. Love is patient when someone is slow, kind when the other person is
in a bad mood. Love rejoices in the other person’s successes, gains, and
blessings; it is never jealous. Love encourages and humbly supports.

Love is what caused God to send Jesus to the cross. Love responded with
love when He counted it joy to suffer for us.

Father, help me to love others the way You do. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Devotions – Favoritism Hurts

Favoritism Hurts

Genesis 37:3 The Voice

Now Israel loved Joseph more than any of his other children because he came
along when he was an old man. So Israel presented Joseph with a special
robe he had made for him—a spectacularly colorful robe with long sleeves
in it.

Joseph struggled in his relationship with his brothers. They were envious
of Joseph because of their father’s favoritism. It created a lot of grief
for Joseph.

In the end, God turned it around, but I can’t help believe that God could
have accomplished His will another way. He always uses the situations we
are in and turns them around, but often we suffer needlessly.

Are you showing favoritism to anyone? If so, ask God how He feels about it.

Father, show me if I am walking in favoritism. In Jesus’ name. Amen.