Devotions – Let God Lead You

Let God Lead You

Proverbs 16:9 New Living Translation

We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps.

Have you ever noticed that God executes His plans a little differently than
you would? I see that all the time. God reveals something to me, and I
think it will play out a certain way. I’m usually surprised at how it
happens; so opposite of what I expected.

I do know that God’s way is the best way. He knows what He’s doing. I think
many of us see a piece of the puzzle and imagine a little picture. God’s
picture is always so much bigger than what I originally imagine.

Learning to trust God’s leading is an important part of the journey for
each of us.

Father, I choose to trust You to lead me in Your perfect plan. In Jesus’
name. Amen.

Devotions – God Trains Us

God Trains Us

Deuteronomy 8:5 The Voice

I want you to know in your hearts that the Eternal your God has been
training you just as a parent trains a child.

Often, as children, we don’t see the reason behind training, rules,
consequences, etc. The older we get, the more we understand.

Training prepares us for life. Life isn’t always fair, and it’s often quite
difficult. Training helps us to maneuver through those difficult times.

Can you imagine soldiers fighting a battle with no training? How do you
load the gun? How do you perfect your aim so that you hit the target? How
often do you need to clean your gun? What do you do if you are wounded and
stuck in the middle of nowhere?

God doesn’t leave us to flounder on our own. Instead, he trains us for
battle; spiritual battle.

Allow God to continue the training process. Communicate with Him.
Understanding is an important part of communication and learning. Ask Him
lots of questions and then listen for His answers.

Father, I submit myself to You and to Your training. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Devotions – You Can’t Hide Anything From God

You Can’t Hide Anything From God

Proverbs 20:27 New Living Translation

The LORD’s searchlight penetrates the human spirit, exposing every hidden

My son used to think I had eyes in the back of my head. It’s amazing how a
parent can know things they don’t see. Father God knows all and sees all.
Nothing is hidden from Him.

Sometimes we try to fool others and sometimes we try to fool ourselves, but
we never fool God.

When your motives aren’t right; ask God to help you make the needed
adjustments to have pure motives.

Father, I want pure motives. Please help me to make the adjustments I need
to live with a pure heart. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Devotions – Don’t Assume

Don’t Assume

James 1:19-20 Amplified Bible

Understand , my beloved brethren. Let every man be quick to hear , slow to
speak, slow to take offense and to get angry. For man’s anger does not
promote the righteousness God .

If we were all quick to intently listen to others, and slow to give our
opinions or judgments, we would have fewer misunderstandings and less
relational problems.

We can all benefit from learning and working at better communication
skills. It’s easy to have communication problems. We know what we mean, but
are we communicating in a way that others know what we mean?

Never assume that someone knows what you’re thinking or knows what you
mean. Never assume that you know what someone is thinking or what they are
saying. Assuming is one of the biggest communication problems. Avoid it!

Father, help me to be a better communicator. Help me not to assume. In
Jesus’ name. Amen.