Devotions – God Is Faithful

God Is Faithful

Hebrews 10:23 New King James

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who
promised is faithful.

The pressures of life can squeeze us to the point of hopelessness if we
don’t keep in mind that God is faithful. He is our loving Daddy, who will
see us through to the other side of every difficulty.

Let’s frequently remind ourselves of God’s faithfulness. He never changes.
He was faithful, is faithful, and always will be faithful.

Father, help me to always remember Your faithfulness. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Devotions – Make A Difference

Make A Difference

Exodus 23:32-34 The Message

“Don’t make any deals with them or their gods. They are not to stay in the
same country with you lest they get you to sin by worshiping their gods.
Beware. That’s a huge danger.”

We have interactions with unbelievers all the time, but we must keep it
kingdom-focused. We can pray for and love on unbelievers, but we must
remember that we are called to make a difference in their lives – not the
other way around.

Sin is a slippery slope. A little pressure and it can be easy to play on
the edge of the cliff. Believe God to draw the unbeliever away from the
cliff, rather than walking to the edge of the cliff to join them.

God loves everyone, and we are called to do the same. The greatest thing we
can do is pray for others and be a godly witness. They are watching what we
do and say. What difference are you making in the lives of the unbelievers
in your life?

Father, I choose to pray for and make a difference in the lives of
_______________.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Devotions – A Perfect God

A Perfect God

Deuteronomy 32:4 The Voice

He’s the Rock, and His work is perfect; everything He does is right.
He’s the God who can be trusted, who never does wrong because He’s
righteous and upright.

We are all imperfect people in need of a perfect God. How refreshing it is
to know that He loves us with a perfect love, has a perfect plan with
perfect flexibility for our imperfect nature.

We don’t have to wonder about God because He is perfect love. He loves us
no matter what we do. That isn’t a license to sin, but freedom to grow in
His grace. The more we walk in His grace, the more we are transformed by
His Spirit.

Father, I want to walk in Your grace. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Devotions – No Condemnation

No Condemnation

Romans 8:1 New Living Translation

So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.

So many believers walk around feeling condemned by their past. Christ took
care of it. You cannot change your past, but you can exchange it for
freedom in Christ.

Don’t let the enemy harass you. Remind him of the cross – where your sins
were taken care of by Jesus Christ.

Father, I will walk in the freedom You provided for me through Jesus. In
Jesus’ name. Amen.