Today’s Devotion Video #145 "We All Need A Savior" by Susan Waters from
Please forward the link or the e-mail to those you know who would be
encouraged by this message simple Gospel message.
Devotionals by Susan Waters are for those seeking joy, destiny, intimacy, and a deeper love relationship with God.
Today’s Devotion Video #144 "Are You Crabby?" by Susan Waters from
Please forward the link or the e-mail to those you know who would be
encouraged by this message about going to God to find out what is bothering
Today’s Devotion Video #143 "You Are A Princess Or A Prince" by Susan
Waters from
Please forward the link or the e-mail to those you know who would be
encouraged by this message about being beautiful from the inside out
because we are royalty.
Today’s Devotion Video #142 "Don’t Live Selfishly" by Susan Waters from
Please forward the link or the e-mail to those you know who would be
encouraged by this message to live for God rather than self.