Devotions – Don’t Make Excuses

Don’t Make Excuses

Luke 9:61 The Message

Then another said, “I’m ready to follow you, Master, but first excuse me
while I get things straightened out at home.”

This Scripture isn’t about not getting things in order, or saying goodbye
to people. It’s pointing to the problem of making excuses.

Have you made any excuses lately? Excuses are a dime a dozen.
Procrastination is a major problem today. What’s holding you back? What
fear is behind your excuses?

If God is leading you forward, what is holding you back?

It’s better to say, “I don’t want to do that” rather than make an excuse.
Take inventory. Check to see for hidden fears that are holding you back.

Father, please show me any fear that is holding me back. In Jesus’ name.